Code of Conduct


Code of Conduct – Spectator

 I will  
Act as a responsible person.Acknowledge and appreciate efforts made by all participants. Be respectful of players, coaches, officials and spectators.Respect the rules.Encourage others to enjoy sport.Respect the sport of softball and the facility where it is played.

I will not

Make any verbal comments or physical gestures about or toward anyone that could be considered offensive, derogatory, or abusive.

Engage in any action that might be considered to be verbally or physically abusive.

Code of Conduct – Coach

 I will  

Teach my players that rules of the game of softball are mutual agreements that no one should evade or break.

Develop team respect for the ability of opponents as well as for the judgment of umpires and opposing coaches.

Be professional in my manner and accept responsibility for my actions by displaying high standards in language.

Display control, respect dignity and professionalism to all involved with softball including opponents, coaches, officials, umpires, scorekeepers, administrators and spectators and encourage team players to do the same.

Operate within the rules and the spirit of the game.

Abide by and respect the regulations governing softball and the organizations and individual administering those regulations.

Be a positive role model for softball and the players.

I will not

Make any verbal comments or physical gestures about or toward anyone that could be considered offensive, derogatory, or abusive. Engage in any action that might be considered to be verbally or physically abusive.

Code of Conduct – Parent

 I Will Be on my best behavior, using appropriate language when communicating with players, coaches or game officials. Respect the officials’ decisions and teach young people to do the same. Encourage players to always play according to the rules. Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from softball. Condemn the use of violence in any form, whether it is by spectators, coaches, officials or players. Respect the rights of every participant in softball regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion. Be aware of and follow the Spectator’s Code of Conduct. Pledge to make the game a fun experience for players and fans. I Will Not Make any verbal comments or physical gestures about or toward anyone that could be considered offensive, derogatory, or abusive. Engage in any action that might be considered to be verbally or physically abusive.

Code of Conduct – Player

 I will
Play by the rules. Never argue with the officials. Comply with umpires’ decisions with dignity. Control my temper. Be a good sport. Treat all players as I would like to be treated. Co-operate with my coach, team-mates, opponents, and umpires; without them we don’t have a game. Be a positive role model for softball at all times. Accept responsibility for my actions. Participate within the rules, and in the spirit of fair play.

Refrain from offensive or abusive language or gestures.

Refrain from making derogatory or demeaning remarks about any player, coach, umpire or participant Not tolerate, participate or respond to acts of abuse, disrespect or aggression.

Remember we all make mistakes. Have fun.

I will not

By my actions support the abuse of any other player, coach, umpire or official